On Hyper-Inflation

Hyper-Inflation. Scary stuff. Most 40+ people in Brazil know what that means, and what life is like in that scenario. How likely is it that it will return? How likely is it that it would have happened had the PT party stayed in power? How likely is it now that a right-wingish party is in power? All good questions. Here is an attempt at answering them: 1) Very likely. Brazil has a right-wing party but its populist, so it has a tendency to spend money to please the populace, while being dumb and believing that the government has a spending limit, and that spending generates inflation no-matter-what. So it is on a suicidal path by destroying supply, either through currency devaluations or demand suppression, all under the religious belief that…

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Second post

I am just going to write something here to get started and break the ice, get over the first real post "writer's block". I have been watching Brazil deteriorate from a safe distance for some time now. Outdated and ineffective orthodox principles are being used to determine policy and its killing the economy, the population, and everyone's future. Its as if the tribal bullies got together and decided to make everyone drink poison to attract good spirits. The tribal bullies being the opinion makers and powerful actors, the poison is the suicidal economic policies, and the good spirits are the "investors" (both imaginary beings). I don't know where or how this will end, but I see no reason why it will end well. It will take something drastic to turn…

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